POM024: Creating a Freedom Plan & Saving $85k in 1 Year with Jamila Souffrant

In this episode Jamila explains what a freedom plan is, how to create one, and how she and her husband saved and invested over $85,000 in one year. Join Jamila and I to learn how to design a freedom plan to meet your financial goals.
Jamila Souffrant
Jamila is a Certified Financial Education Instructor (CFEI), blogger and money coach. She is the founder of www.journeytolaunch.com where she blogs about her journey to reach Financial Independence. As a money expert who “walks her talk” she helps brave Journeyers; gain clarity around their finances and create an actionable plan to reach their goals. Her mission is to teach, inspire and help others reach Financial Freedom.
In this episode we discuss:
- What is a financial freedom plan
- How to create a financial freedom plan
- How to introduce and get your spouse on the same page regarding your financial freedom plan
- What financial actions to take to start
- How Jamila saved over $85,000 in one year
- What pre-tax retirement accounts are and how they factor into your financial freedom plan
- How to stay motivated and in action with your financial freedom plan
Resources Mentioned:
Journey to Launch Blog – read the weekly articles and get access to the other resources available
Journey to Launch Podcast – available on her website, iTunes, Stitcher and any mobile device you use to listen to podcasts.
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