POM022: 10 Experts with Unique Twists on Personal Finance

In this episode, I’m doing things a little different. I usually give resources during the episodes, but this episode is filled with pretty much all resources. These are resources I think will be great for you to add to your repertoire. We’re going to hit the hot spots: debt, budgeting, investing, and earning more money.
Read it below or listen above. Resources listed below as well.
The end of the year is a time where most people get into trouble with their finances. Which plays into why the vast majority of people have finance geared resolutions for the new year. I can’t believe there are only a couple months left to 2017, but that’s where we are.
You’re likely gearing up for your end of year activities, which also means out of the ordinary expenses. This usually leads to a lot of people overspending and getting into debt.
I have amazing colleagues that are doing great things to teach and empower around personal finance. As we move into the end of year, you know holiday and sales galore season; I want to highlight some of them for you. So, I decided to do a roundup posts to share some resources with you.
Here is my take on what makes them unique so you can see what applies best to you. You can start preparing even now for those “New Year’s Resolutions,” putting yourself in an even better position to meet the rest of your 2017 goals and prep for 2018 goals.
His and Her Money Show by Tai and Talaat McNeely
The tales of getting out of massive debt told by the guests of this show are not only inspirational, but also very educational. They touch on any personal finance topics, but budgeting and getting out of debt is their specialty. They have a great book on talking about money for couples and a new budgeting program.
A unique feature of the His and Her Money show is that they have a lot of couples tell their story of how they came together and worked together on eliminating five figure and six figure debt.
If you’re married or in a long-term relationship, then you don’t need anyone to tell you how it can be trying to get on the same page. However, let me use this example for others. Remember how you used to have to do group projects? Remember the toughest part was getting people to agree to their tasks then actually doing them. And you would be extra irritated when people didn’t do what they were supposed to do, which you just know was going to screw up your grade?
Yeah, getting on the same page and working together on the financial plan is so important for success. Tai, Talaat and their guests give great tips and advice on this.
Check out their blog and podcast.
Clever Girl Finance by Bola Sokunbi
Bola gets you right by giving insightful and empowering information on personal and business finances. Bola is the creator of the Clever Girl Finance Academy. I follow her on Instagram and am always cracking up and saying yeah that’s right to the tips that she posts. When we get to talking, it’s the same thing.
With the Clever Girl Finance Podcast, she has a very down-to-earth approach. It’s like when you’re trying to get something done and everyone has an idea of how you should do it. However, then your friend who works in that field says, “Girl, forget what you heard. Let me tell you the real steps.” Oh and that friend actually knows what she’s doing.
Bola shares a unique spin on the “woman’s financial journey.” Clever Girl Finance focuses on teaching women how to handle their personal finances in order to save more money and get out of debt. Bola saved up over $100,000 in just three years.
Check out her blog and podcast.
Word on the Street Newsletter by Eric Patrick and Tela Holcomb
Speaking of down to earth … if you want to learn more about investing without having everything sound like nonsense words, then you want to check out Erick Patrick (the Hip Hop Doc) and Tela Holcomb. As Tela says, they’ll “put it in plain English.”
Eric has a unique way of explaining investing. He takes lyrics from hip hop songs where a financial term or concept is mentioned. He then explains it giving it better context so you can fully understand. Tela creates courses and resources that remove the confusion around investing.
Eric and Tela recently started co-authoring a newsletter that gives tips and information on investing as well as on other personal finance resources.
Click here to check out the newsletter.
The Finance Bar App by Marsha Barnes
You may have heard me mention budgeting software options before, but here’s another tool that you can use with those. Marsha Barnes is just the coolest. I always love when I get to talk with her. You may have read about Marsha or seen her on a TV program. She converted an old school bus into the first mobile personal finance center. I mean is that not just genius. It’s really cute inside with different stations and everything.
She also created an app to help you with budgeting. If you’ve ever asked yourself what is a reasonable amount for each budget category, then you want to check out the Finance Bar app. It’s super simple and I mean super simple. You put in your monthly income. The app will then show you the main categories of a budget, what percentage of your income each category should be and the dollar amount that makes up that percentage.
It’s great. It’s available for iPhones and Androids. Look in your app store. Check out her website here.
The Frugal Feminista by Kara Stevens
The Frugal Feminista is a powerful blog, well more like a safe internet space, where women can learn about doing better with their money so they can get out of debt and save more money. Whenever I talk with Kara, I know I’m going to laugh and learn something.
Kara writes for a number of nationally syndicated platforms, in addition to her blog. She is the creator of the Wealthy Woman’s Blueprint.
On the blog, Kara also goes beyond the financial advice and goes deep on the things that cause you to “not be able to save” or “suck at a budget.” Those are symptoms of the real issues. She discusses the mindset shifts that need to take place to start addressing those issues.
You’ll enjoy Kara’s laid back, no nonsense style of explaining practical information as well as interesting stories filled with lessons.
Brown Ambition by Tiffany Aliche and Mandi Woodruff
This podcast is light, funny, and has a good measure of tea and financial advice. Tiffany Aliche is also known as the Budgetnista and is the creator of the Liver Richer Challenge and the Live Richer Academy. Mandi is the Executive Editor at MagnifyMoney.
Tiffany and Mandi not only provide financial advice they also discuss trending topics and new events that may impact their audience. They also give anecdotes from their personal lives, which I think definitely adds to the fun and engaging atmosphere of the show. The flow of the topics is really good You can ask them financial questions and they’ll answer it on air.
SO Money by Farnoosh Torabi
Farnoosh has been blessing audiences with financial information for 15 years. She has published three great books and you may have caught her on your favorite TV program before. The SO Money podcast goes a bit beyond money and gets into the lives and businesses of the entrepreneur guests, great for entrepreneurs.
The SO Money podcast has a great mix of entrepreneur lessons and inspiration with personal finance tips/lessons. The guests that come discuss the lessons learned during their entrepreneur journeys to success. The Ask Farnoosh episodes cover the personal finance questions directly from the audience. Oh and an extra cool factor, for the Ask Farnoosh episodes she picks a listener to co-host the episode.
The Side Hustle Show by Nick Loper
You need multiple steams of income. It really is a must. If you’re using or looking to use side hustles to increase your income, then you want to check out this podcast. Nick and his guests break down many different side hustles. They go through the journey to start and make it successful, the ups, the downs, and usually some key things to know.
If you’re still trying to decide what side hustle would work for you, this should definitely help you out. He also has a page listing ideas for 99 side hustles that can be started quickly, the same day.
Side Hustle Pro by Nicaila Matthews
This podcast takes you down the journeys of women entrepreneurs who started with side hustles and grew them into full-time businesses. Nicaila also walks the walk and lives the talk. She works for NPR (National Public Radio) in addition to running Side Hustle Pro.
Nicaila interviews successful entrepreneur women. The flow and questioning always reveals great tips to help entrepreneurs working on growing their side hustles into a business. Most mediums can be saturated with people trying to tell entrepreneurs what they should be doing. This podcast is one of the good ones with valuable information.
Check out her blog and podcast.
Redefining Wealth Podcast by Patrice Washington
This podcast talks about not just the financial pieces needed to build wealth. She goes through other factors that are necessary to build and maintain with the finances to ensure your peace and health. You know the saying your health is your wealth.
Not only does she teach you the six pillars that you need and how they show up. She is also brining successful guests that will also discuss how these pillars show up in their lives and how they play into success.
Patrice is the Money Maven and you may have also seen her on your TV. She has written for and been featured in numerous syndicated platforms. She also has three best-selling books. Patrice is laid back and another person I’ve enjoyed any time I’ve worked with her.
The Wrap Up
You know I’m all about getting your money right and helping you to grow money. You likely had goals for this year related to your money and finances. How are you doing with those goals? You still have a couple months to put in some work. Get the resources you need, you likely can just pick from the list that I just went through, and re-work your plan.
This is also a great time to make sure you’re putting yourself in a great position to continue making progress with your financial goals next year in 2018.
UPDATED: The previous version of this article incorrectly stated that Mandi Woodruff was still a personal finance correspondent at Yahoo Finance. It has been updated to reflect that she is currently the Executive Editor at MagnifyMoney.
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