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The author has over 15 years of experience and Techniques That Clients Absolutely LOVE!

Dr. Maria James, The Money Scientist is the founder of Pocket of Money and the creator of W.I.S.E. Financial Fitness. She has over 14 years of experience building and managing business and personal finance systems.

Dr. James took the critical thinking, analytical and strategy building skills she learned earning a PhD in Cellular and Molecular Medicine and applied it to finances. She saved over $10,000 on a stipend of $23,000 (after taxes).

She has built systems that help businesses make $1 million in 12 months. She has helped clients decrease overspending and save thousands of dollars per month.

She’s been a guest expert in The Frugal Feminista, WEAA 88.9, Clever Girl Finance Podcast, Journey to Launch Podcast, Madame Noire, ESSENCE, Forbes, and more.

Some additional accomplishments:

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It’s easy to say I’ll save more money, I’ll cut my budget or I need to earn more money. Well, you’ll actually do it with the information in this book.